A Hundred Good-Byes – Part 2

A Hundred Good-Byes – Part 2

A Hundred Good-Byes – Part 2 I was tucked away, beneath Bear Mountain, gaining strength.     The Lake House was the perfect place. People were few but the birds were plenty. We watched their migration over the lake, as they headed farther north than...
A World Away

A World Away

A World Away Their healing scent has filled these lands for a hundred years.     As I reach the bridge, they’re in full view. Rows of massive eucalyptus trees following each side of River Pan Long far into the distance. Leaves and pods litter the path that...
Christmas Came Early

Christmas Came Early

Sipping my drink then glancing down, I frowned. Hot water would have been less disappointing. It was my third time to use the peppermint tea bag that floated in my cup. I drink my herbal tea sparingly, not knowing when I’ll get more. When someone is coming from Canada...
Shimmer of Hope

Shimmer of Hope

My son called it, “The Worst Easter Ever.” We helped friends, who lived just a short walk away, with their moving sale. After watching bits of their life disappear, we all said good-bye, then they flew across the ocean. Their home, once filled with children’s...
An Anchored Gift

An Anchored Gift

It’s a simple looking thing. If you saw it in my home you might not give it a second glance. But I’m reminded it ranks high as kids quiet for the night and from the shelter of my room I hear water boiling and spoons tinkling. Brian is preparing two hot drinks to...
Falling Behind – Part 3

Falling Behind – Part 3

Have you read Falling Behind Parts 1 & 2? I wish the man behind me would wear headphones. He’s playing a game so loud it sounds like I’m in an arcade. The airline must be expecting that too, their announcements invade at a decibel level designed to be heard over a...