
It worked! I made sourdough bread!

I’ve been working on developing a new skill too. My challenge of choice, during the quiet week after Christmas, was to learn to make sourdough bread. Cherry Blossom wasn’t the only one to receive an instructional book for Christmas. I received Peter Reinhart’s Artisan Breads Every Day and have been baking away. I found it fascinating to read about how bread has been baked in years past and I’ve even managed to bake some light, airy and delicious loaves of sourdough bread without commercial yeast!

It feels good to succeed at something I have never done before. This has been a fun and creative outlet and is feeding my family, which, with two boys threatening to grow taller than myself and a girl with an appetite almost as large, is in itself a challenge that I must continually rise to. It’s been a treat too because good bread is hard to find in this land of chopsticks and rice.

The only downside is my creations disappear so fast. While Cherry Blossom is filling our walls with her drawings, I’m filling my family’s tummies!